The most important step before any upgrade, is backing up your current SunShop installation completely.
1. Backing Up Your Templates:
Any modified template files you may have in the themes/ folder will need to be backed up if you wish to keep those modifications. It is also a good idea to rename customized template folders to names other than the default theme folder names. This way, when you upgrade, you will not accidentally overwrite your themes.
You can also backup your template files to a zip file prior to upgrading by clicking on the “Settings” → “Manage Templates” → “Backup Templates” link. This method will backup your themes to your local machine should anything happen while upgrading.
2. Backing Up Product Images:
Under normal circumstances, you do not need to backup your product images. However, there are instances where you may accidentally delete folders and it's always a good idea to have backups just in case. Your images should be located in the images/products/ folder but if you changed the default images folder they can be located elsewhere.
You can also backup your complete folder of images to a zip file prior to upgrading by clicking on the “Products” → “Manage Images” → “Image Backup” link. This method will backup your images to your local machine should anything happen while upgrading. Please note that if you have a large amount of images, this process can sometimes fail due to lack of memory available to PHP on the server. If this happens, you should backup your images manually.
3. Backing Up Your Database:
There are a few ways that you can backup your SunShop database. No matter which method you choose, please be sure that you have a complete backup of the database before proceeding with your upgrade.
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