Preparing For Upload

Before you upload the files to your server, there are a few steps that need to be completed to ensure that the installation goes smoothly.

1. Choosing Your Distribution:

Because SunShop uses encryption on a few key files, Ioncube loaders are currently required for SunShop to be installed properly. Most hosting companies do support Ioncube loaders or a way to easily add them as needed. If you wish to install SunShop on your own server, you can download the Ioncube loaders FREE from their website. See:

The distribution you will require will be dependent on the PHP version your server is running. Currently there is a different distribution for PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.1.

2. Download SunShop:

To download SunShop, login to the TWT account area at Once logged in, navigate to your licenses “View Details” area and select the Downloads tab to download the software.

3. Extracting the Files

All distributions are available for download in two formats, tar.gz (tar) and zip. If you are downloading to a Windows machine, select the zip format and extract the files using WinZip or WinRar.

4. Modifying the Config File

Before transferring the files to your server, you will need to make changes to the “config.php” file located in the “sunshop/include/” directory.

Step 1 Navigate to the include/ directory and locate the file called “”.

Step 2 Rename the file to “config.php”.

Step 3 Open the file in your favorite text editor such as WordPad or Notepad.

The contents of the file should look similar to the following:

  include/config.php - (DATE) - (TIME PST) - (VERSION)
  SunShop Shopping Cart
  Copyright (c) 2001-2024 Turnkey Web Tools, Inc.

// License Key
$license_key = "";

// MySQL Extension ('mysql' or 'pdo_mysql') PHP 7.1+ Requires 'pdo_mysql'
$dbtype = "pdo_mysql";

// Hostname or IP of MySQL Server
$servername = "localhost";

// Name of MySQL Database
$dbname = "sunshop";

// Username & Password to Log Into MySQL Database
$dbusername = "sunshopuser";
$dbpassword = "sunshoppass";

// Table Prefixes: Do not change the value after the install has been finished!
// $dbprefix = "ss_"; // Uncomment this line if this is a new install

// SQL Debug Mode (0 = Off, 1 = On)
$sql_debug = 0;

// Shop Time Zone - List Available @
// Common: America/New_York, America/Los_Angeles, America/Phoenix
$time_zone = 'America/Los_Angeles';

// Change Admin Directory Name (Second Entry Defines The Directory Name)
if (!defined('ADMIN_DIR'))
	define('ADMIN_DIR', 'admin');

// Value Of 'true' Will Show Only Important Errors
if (!defined('PHP_ERRORS'))
	define('PHP_ERRORS', 'true');

// Block Storing Of Credit Cards
if (!defined('BLOCK_STORE_CC')) 
	define('BLOCK_STORE_CC', 'false');

// Block Template Saving w/ PHP Code
if (!defined('BLOCK_TEMPLATE_PHP')) 
	define('BLOCK_TEMPLATE_PHP', 'true');

Step 4 We will now alter the values between the quotes and input the values that you should have collected in the “Getting Started” step.

Once you successfully change the values, save the file and continue to the next step.

5. Upload SunShop

Continue to Uploading SunShop